Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Muay Thai and Getting Hustled

So the monday night, I checked and there was a fight card on at one of the boxing arenas in Bangkok as im a huge MMA fan, I didnt have to think twice about going and checking out the local sport. So I decided to go local and hit the 3rd floor where all the locals were chanting and betting. They had 3 levels, Ringside tickets were about 30-40 quid, mid level was about 20-25 quid and the 3rd level about 15-20.

So I take a seat with my singha and munchies and the next fight starts and this old thai guy comes up and starts a broken english conversation with me. So im trying to respond but its a struggle. So we get into the conversation of who's gonna win and he wants to bet me that he chooses red and im blue, winner gets 20 bhat (peanuts), so I think its pennies, so yeah lets go! 1st round finishes and red isnt looking too tough, so Im thinking im gonna win. Next round finishes and blue is looking real strong, the old guy looks dissapointed and is pacing back and forth. Third round comes and a high kick to the jaw knocks red out cold, bang ive won.

So the old boy comes over muttering and stuttering and hands across the 20. Nice one lol. Next match and he wants to try his luck again but the wage bumps up to 200 baht, so not to get carried away I bring him down to 100 (still peanuts) and he agree's. Ding goes the bell and were on. At this point im kinda lookin over my shoulder wondering if im being spun into a tourist betting trap, but its all good, the old boy is genuine, but trying to hustle neiltorious, aint gonna happen! Fight finishes and its a draw. Poor.

So finally the last match is up and the old boy wants the fighter in the red trunks again even though its not the luckiest colour of the night, so we go with it and my guy in blue wins! Ive got the biggest smile on my face but felt sorry for the old boy, so contemplated letting him off and giving him a better luck next time pat on the back of the head when he comes over. So the guy comes over, im thinking cool wheres the moolah, but he's muttering again and opens his wallet, empty! He's playing it off that he lost all his cash and cant pay up his debt. Poor Poor Poor, but funny. I gave him a laugh and goodbye and made my way back to my hotel... 20 baht the richer, go me.

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